1. PMKVY 2.0
About PMKVY 2.0 Scheme
Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) is the flagship scheme of the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE). The objective of this Skill Certification Scheme is to enable a large number of Indian youth to take up industry-relevant skill training that will help them in securing a better livelihood. Individuals with prior learning experience or skills will also be assessed and certified under Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
The Union Cabinet on 13th July 2016, Approved the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana(PMKVY) with an outlay of Rs.12000 crore to impart skill training to one crore people over the next four years(2016-2020). Pmkvywill impart fresh training to 60 lakh youths and certify skills of 40 lakh persons acquired non-formally under the Recognition of Prior Learning(RPL). The target allocation between fresh trainings and RPL will be flexible and interchangeable depending on functional and operational requirements, an official statement said.
The Scheme, completely aligned to the common norms as notified earlier, would move to grant based model where the training and assessment cost would be directly reimbursed to training providers and assessing bodies in accordance to the Common Norms.
Financial Support to Trainees will be given in the form of travel allowance, boarding and lodging costs, Post Placement Support would be given directly to the beneficiaries through Direct Benefit transfer(DBT).
Disbursement of training Cost to Training Partners will be linked to Aadhar and Biometrics for Better Transparency and targeting. Skill Training would be done based on industry led standards aligned to the National Skill Qualification Framework(NSQF).
Vision: Transform rural poor youth into an economically independent and globally relevant workforce
The Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) announced the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY) Antyodaya Diwas, on 25th September 2014. DDU-GKY is a part of the National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM), tasked with the dual objectives of adding diversity to the incomes of rural poor families and cater to the career aspirations of rural youth.
DDU-GKY is uniquely focused on rural youth between the ages of 15 and 35 years from poor families. As a part of the Skill India campaign, it plays an instrumental role in supporting the social and economic programs of the government like the Make In India, Digital India, Smart Cities and Start-Up India, Stand-Up India campaigns. Over 180 million or 69% of the country’s youth population between the ages of 18 and 34 years, live in its rural areas. Of these, the bottom of the pyramid youth from poor families with no or marginal employment number about 55 million.
The National Policy for Skill Development & Entrepreneurship 2015 has identified a skills gap of 109.73 million in 24 key sectors by the year 2022. This number cannot be achieved without addressing the BoP 55 million from rural India. Also, a FICCI and Ernst – Young study published in 2013 identified a shortage of over 47 million skilled workers across the globe by 2020. This presents an unprecedented opportunity for India to train its BoP youth population and place them in jobs across the world and realize its demographic dividend.
DDU-GKY takes pride in its partners and their ability to add value. Innovation from partners is encouraged to build scale and capacity… its unique implementation structure involves partners, who are by nature, committed to changing lives and are experts in their areas, they form a part of the Skilling Ecosystem integrated by DDU-GKY. Partners are supported through investment, capacity building, strategies for retention, linkages to international placement and technology support for training purposes.
DDU-GKY is present in 21 States and UTs, across 568 districts, impacting youth from over 6,215 blocks. It currently has over 690 projects being implemented by over 300 partners, in more than 330 trades from 82 industry sectors. Over 2.7 Lakh candidates have been trained and over 1.34 Lakh candidates have been placed in jobs so in the course of the last financial year. From 2012, DDU-GKY has so far committed an investment of more than INR 5,600 Crores, impacting rural youth pan-India.
Want to know more about the Implementation structure?. Download a DDU-GKY Brochure (more about ddugky)
Schemes on Skill Development in ESDM sector:
(1) ‘Scheme for Financial Assistance to select States/UTs for Skill Development in Electronics System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) sector’
The employment in the Electronics industry is estimated to grow phenomenally. Hence to facilitate skill development in ESDM sector focusing on students/unemployed youth at 9-10th standard onwards, ITI, Diploma, Non-engineering graduates, etc. to increase their employability to work in ‘Manufacturing’ and ‘Service support’ functions, a ‘Scheme for Financial Assistance to select States/UTs for Skill Development in Electronics System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) sector’ was approved by DeitY in November, 2013. A total of 90,000 persons are to be supported under the scheme in the selected States in 5 levels of vocational skill development courses recognized by NIELIT/Electronic Sector Skill Council/Telecom Sector Skill Council. The total outlay of the Scheme is Rs. 113.77 crore with Grant-in-Aid of Rs. 100 crore (approx.).
The scheme provides for 75 % of training fee as assistance for training courses identified by Electronics Sector Skills Council, Telecom Sector Skills Council and NIELIT. The scheme also provides for 100% fee reimbursement to 40% of the seats which would be reserved for the candidates belonging to SC/ST/Economically weaker sections. Further, Registration-cum-Certification fee per candidate (for the first attempt only) would also be reimbursed to assessing/certifying agencies.
Based on the proposals received, an Empowered Committee selected the states of Andhra Pradesh (including Telangana; Target divided equally i.e. 7,500 for each state), Jammu & Kashmir (Target: 15,000 in all 5 levels), Karnataka (Target :15,000 in all 5 levels), Kerala (Target: 11,250 - for Level 3, 4, 5 courses only), Punjab (Target: 15,000 in all 5 levels), Uttarakhand (Target: 3750 - for Level 1, 2 courses only) and Uttar Pradesh (Target : 15,000 in all 5 levels)
An Expert Committee constituted by the Government to recommend the basket of courses which could be covered under the said scheme had recommended 47 courses so far for rollout of the scheme. The state of Karnataka has launched one course already and the other selected states and the three key implementing agencies viz. NIELIT, ESSC and TSSC are in the process of identifying state level training agencies in the respective states for launching these courses very shortly.
(2) Scheme for ‘Skill Development in ESDM for Digital India’
Under the aegis of ‘Digital India’ programme launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister, the department has approved a Scheme for “Skill Development in ESDM for Digital India” on 09.12.2014 to cover all the States/UTs of the country in order to facilitate creation of an eco-system for development of ESDM sector in the entire country for facilitating skill development for 3,28,000 persons in ESDM sector at an outlay of Rs. 411 crore (approx.) in a period of 4 years. This is in continuation of the above mentioned ‘Scheme for Financial Assistance to select States/UTs for Skill Development in Electronics System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) sector’ approved earlier which is being implemented in 8 states. Both the Schemes are to be implemented concurrently. (more about esdm)
MANAS is an ambitious and over-arching skill development architecture, aimed at providing an all India Level training framework, based upon tie-ups with National/International training organizations (on PPP mode) for imparting training to the minority population, for skills that are currently in demand. It will also provide concessional credit for minority community after meeting their Skilling Needs for expanding their existing businesses and setting up new businesses.
MANAS is a multi-dimensional organization and it includes a special vertical for identifying, supporting, and promoting those arts and crafts of minority community which are getting phased out due to globalization. MANAS will establish a ˜Research Chairsâ for this purpose and in the process help in preserving Hamari Dharoharâ (more about manas)
Digital INDIA
The Digital Saksharta Abhiyan (DISHA) or National Digital Literacy Mission (NDLM) Scheme has been formulated to impart IT training to 52.5 lakh persons, including Anganwadi and ASHA workers and authorised ration dealers in all the States/UTs across the country so that the non-IT literate citizens are trained to become IT literate so as to enable them to actively and effectively participate in the democratic and developmental process and also enhance their livelihood.
Altogether 52.5 lakh persons, including Anganwadi and ASHA workers and authorised ration dealers will be trained under the programme in two phases. In the first phase, 10 lakh beneficiaries will be trained under the scheme. Nine lakh beneficiaries will be eligible for training fee support from the government. The rest 100,000 beneficiaries will be trained by the industry and civil society partners. (more about ndlm)
Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM):
To reduce poverty and vulnerability of the urban poor households by enabling them to access gainful self-employment and skilled wage employment opportunities, resulting in an appreciable improvement in their livelihoods on a sustainable basis,through building strong grassroots level institutions of the poor.The mission would aim at providing shelters equipped with essential services to the urban homeless in a phased manner. In addition, the mission would also address livelihood concerns of the urban street vendors by facilitating access to suitable spaces, institutional credit, social security and skills to the urban street vendors for accessing emerging market opportunities. (more about ndlm)
7. RPL
Recognition of Prior Learning
Individuals with prior learning experience or skills shall be assessed and certified under the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) component of the Scheme. RPL aims to align the competencies of the unregulated workforce of the country to the NSQF. Project Implementing Agencies (PIAs), such as Sector Skill Councils (SSCs) or any other agencies designated by MSDE/NSDC, shall be incentivized to implement RPL projects in any of the three Project Types (RPL Camps, RPL at Employers Premises and RPL centres). To address knowledge gaps, PIAs may offer Bridge Courses to RPL candidates. (more about ndlm)
8. WCD
Women and Child Development
The Department of Women and Child Development, Government of India, came into existence as a separate Ministry with effect from 30th January, 2006, earlier since 1985 it was a Department under the Ministry of Human Resources Development.
The Ministry was constituted with the prime intention of addressing gaps in State action for women and children for promoting inter-Ministerial and inter-sectoral convergence to create gender equitable and child-centered legislation, policies and programs.
Empowered women living with dignity and contributing as equal partners in development in an environment free from violence and discrimination. And, well nurtured children with full opportunities for growth and development in a safe and protective environment.
Promoting social and economic empowerment of women through cross-cuting policies and programs, mainstreaming gender concerns, creating awareness about their rights and facilitating institutional and legislative support for enabling them realize their human rights and develop to their full potential.2. Ensuring development, care and protection of children through cross-cutting policies and programs spreading awareness about their rights and facilitating access to learning, nutrition, institutional and legislative support for enabling them to grow and develop to their full potential.
The broad mandate of the Ministry is to have holistic development of Women and Children. As a nodal Ministry for the advancement of women and children, the Ministry formulates plans, policies and programs; enacts/ amends legislation, guides and coordinates the efforts of both governmental and non-governmental organizations working in the field of Women and Child Development. Besides, playing its nodal role, the Ministry implements certain innovative programs for women and children. These programs cover welfare and support services, training for employment and income generation, awareness generation and gender sensitization. These programs play a supplementary and complementary role to the other general developmental programs in the sectors of health, education, rural development etc. All these efforts are directed to ensure that women are empowered both economically and socially and thus become equal partners in national development along with men.
Policy Initiatives:
For the holistic development of the child, the Ministry has been implementing the world's largest and most unique and outreach program of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) providing a package of services comprising supplementary nutrition, immunization, health check up and referral services, pre-school non-formal education. There is effective coordination and monitoring of various sectoral programmes. Most of the programmes of the Ministry are run through non-governmental organisations. Efforts are made to have more effective involvement of NGOs. The major policy initiatives undertaken by the Ministry in the recent past include universalisation of ICDS and Kishori Shakti Yojana, launching a nutrition programme for adolescent girls, establishment of the Commission for protection of Child Rights and enactment of Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act.
The Ministry of Women and Child Development is headed by Hon'ble Minister Smt. Maneka Sanjay Gandhi, Minister of State Smt. Krishna Raj and Ms. Leena Nair is the Secretary of the Ministry of Women and Child Development.The activities of the Ministry are undertaken through seven bureaux.
The Ministry has 6 autonomous organisations viz.
working under its aegis. NIPCCD and RMK are societies registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. CSWB is a charitable company registered under section 25 of the Indian Companies Act, 1956. These organisations are fully funded by the Govt. of India and they assist the Department in its functions including implementation of some programmes/schemes. The National Commission for Women was constituted as a national apex statutory body in 1992 for protecting and safeguarding the rights of women. The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights which is a national level apex statutory body constituted in the March 2007 for protecting and safe guarding the rights of children.
Subjects Allocated to the Ministry
Welfare of the family.
Women and Child Welfare and Coordination of activities of other Ministries and Organisation in connection with this subject.
References from the United Nations Organizations relating to traffic in Women and Children
National Nutrition Policy, national Plan of Action for Nutrition and National Nutrition Mission.
Charitable and religious endowments pertaining to subjects allocated to this Department
Promotion and development of voluntary effort on the subjects allocated to this Department
Implementation of -
Coordination of activities of Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE)
Planning, Research, Evaluation, Monitoring, Project Formulations, Statistics and Training relating to the welfare and development of women and children, including development of gender sensitive data base.
National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development (NIPCCD)
Food and Nutrition Board
Development and popularization of subsidiary and protective foods.
Nutrition extension.
Women's Empowerment and Gender Equity.